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Insurance Industry Tactics The Insurance Adjuster May Use In Your Claim (Part B)

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The insurance adjuster assigned to your case will be your main point of contact for settlement for your injury claim – unless you hire an attorney first.

One of the main benefits of working with a personal injury attorney is that they’ll become your representative for dealing with the insurance company. This can help protect you from the common tactics they use to damage your claim, as a seasoned attorney will know what games they play.

What to Look for When Talking to Your Insurance Adjuster

Probably the most innocent-seeming tactic an insurance adjuster will use from the start is to befriend you during your initial contact. While gathering your personal information they’ll make small talk, trying to get you comfortable while talking to them.

It may appear that they’re just trying to ease your mind, but the truth is they’re trying to loosen your tongue. The more comfortable you are speaking to them, the more information you may divulge – information that could damage your claim.

Another pitfall to avoid during conversations with insurance adjusters is letting them dissuade you from hiring an attorney. They’ll try to scare you with stories of the high legal fees you’ll pay and assure you that they’ll get you taken care of without legal intervention.

Reputable personal injury attorneys will take cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning their services do not cost you a thing UNLESS they get you a settlement. 

The benefit of working with an attorney for your personal injury claim is that he or she will have the resources to determine when a settlement from the insurance company is fair or not.

An attorney also can help prevent unfair claim denials and fight for the full compensation you are entitled to. This often leads to claims settling for much more than the average self-settled claim, protecting your family’s financial future.

Avoid Being Taken Advantage of by Insurance Industry Tactics!

The insurance adjuster assigned to your personal injury claim may seem sympathetic and eager to help you get compensated for your suffering, but remember that he or she is an employee of the insurance industry.

The tactics used while settling your claim can often result in low settlements or unfair denials – you deserve better!

While you focus on your recovery and emotional well being, you should have a personal injury attorney on your side to help handle all of the legal matters that can come with filing a personal injury claim. At The Kahn Law Firm, our husband-and-wife attorney team is here to help advocate for your rights. Contact us today – 713-999-6549 or toll-free at 1-844-301-KAHN.

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