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Types of Theft in Texas

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Theft cases have the potential for serious consequences whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony because theft cases are considered a “crime of moral turpitude.’  A conviction of theft can effect your credibility and ability to get a job, loan, or housing. It is important to

Types of theft in Texas:

Theft is a crime of fraudulent and dishonesty. In Texas, theft crimes include-

  • Shoplifting  Shoplifting is an offense when a person steals property or goods from a retail store without the intention of paying for the property. Shoplifting is a common crime in Texas.
  • Identity theft – Identity theft occurs when anyone use and disclose your personal information as his or her own information. For example, using your financial information such as credit card and PIN number etc; using your address, name, social security number etc. Statistics shows that in the year of 2010, about 24,000 people became victims of identity theft.
  • Forgery- The false making or altering of other’s signature, documents or writings are considered as forgery.
  • Unauthorized use of motor vehicles- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, or auto theft, is when someone takes a vehicle without the consent of the owner.
  • Welfare and insurance fraud- Welfare and insurance fraud occurs when a person uses tricks or false identity to receive benefits or for taking advantages from something he does not deserve.
  • Possessing stolen goods or property– Possession of stolen goods or property is a crime when a person uses, buys or acquires others stolen goods or property in other way.
  • Robbery- Robbery is a severe crime, usually robbers use arms for robbing.
  • Burglary – Burglary is a crime when a person enters into a home, office or building without consent of owner to commit theft.

Theft charges in Texas depend on the value of theft goods or property.

  • If the value of property is at least $200,000 or more, it is considered as a first degree felony.
  • If the value of property is between $100,000- $200,000, it is considered as second degree felony.
  • It is considered as third degree felony if the value of goods or property is between $20,000- $100,000.
  • If the value of theft property is between $1,500- $20,000, penalty will be a state jail felony.
  • It will be considered as class A misdemeanor, if the value of theft property is between $500- $1500.
  • If the value of property is between $50- $500, it is considered as class B misdemeanor.
  • If the value of property is less than $50, it is considered as class C misdemeanor.

Sometimes people are accused for theft, though they are not involved with this crime. To protect your property, to get justice and to protect you from false convictions you can consult with the experienced and professional lawyers of The Kahn Firm.

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