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Traumatic Brain Injury Linked To Higher Incidence Of Youth Crime – Houston Injury Lawyers/houston Criminal Lawyers

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A new study shows that children, who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, are much more likely to commit crimes as they get older. The results are not exactly surprising to Houston criminal defense lawyers, because earlier studies have also shown a similar link between brain injury and adult crimes. This new study however, which was conducted at The University of Exeter School of Psychology, is the first such study linking brain injury and a higher incidence of crimes among youths. In both the adult and youth studies, the researchers also found a link between brain injury and an enhanced risk of reoffending.

As Houston car accident attorneys, we often come across patients who have suffered a brain injury in an accident or fall. Brain injuries are some of the most life altering injuries, because they have repercussions that go beyond the physical limitations. A person with a brain injury may have his powers of concentration affected. He may suffer from a much lower attention span. There may be behavioral changes. Sometimes, these changes may be dramatic. All of these can have a profound impact on a person’s emotional and mental well-being. A brain injury can cause behavioral changes, which if not treated properly, can lead to the development of antisocial behavior or susceptibility to criminal tendencies.

What the study does show is that brain injuries in children must be taken seriously. This is true even if the child has suffered a minor concussion, which leads to a momentary lapse of consciousness. A child with a brain injury must be given access to neuropsychiatric treatment, and must be monitored carefully over the next few years. Look for falling grades, disinterest in studies, or aggressiveness at school. These could be effects of the injury.

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