Boarding School Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Pearland

Boarding School Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Pearland

Helping Clients Seek Justice and Recover Damages

As institutions for troubled teens have grown in popularity, so have cases of sexual abuse. Innocent men and women now live with the trauma and stigma of life as an abuse victim. Many victims are speaking up and seeking compensation in lawsuits, also known as troubled teen industry litigation and institutionalized sexual abuse litigation. These cases refer to individuals abused by someone in a position of power, such as a teacher or educator at a boarding school.

If you have lived through sexual abuse by a predator who abused their position of power, you may wonder whether it’s worth it to take legal action. Please rest assured that the attorneys at The Kahn Law Firm, P.C. will handle your case with care and discretion. We promise to offer emotional support and reassurance as you seek justice for the wrongs done to you.

At our Pearland law firm, we recognize that every victim deserves justice to be enforced against their abusers to give them the closure they need to move on. We will stand by your side through every step of the legal process and get you the maximum compensation allowed under the law. Call right away to schedule a confidential consultation at 713-999-6549. Our compassionate team of lawyers will listen to your concerns and answer your questions in terms you can understand, so call today.

What Is Institutionalized Sexual Abuse?

Institutionalized sexual abuse refers to unwanted, inappropriate encounters between a person in a position of power and an innocent victim. The victim may have been coerced into compliance through promises, threats, shaming, disciplinary action, or even violence. Many teens in institutions that purport to protect them and offer them a better life have experienced abuse in said institutions.

One of the qualifying factors of institutionalized abuse is that the abuser has power over the victim because of their rank in an institution. The victim may be afraid to say no or report the abuser because of their position of power, leaving them unable to seek assistance from friends, family members, or the authorities.

If you or a loved one has experienced institutionalized sexual or physical abuse, please reach out to our legal team right away to discuss the unique details of your case and see if you are eligible to take legal action.

What Are Some Examples of Places Where Institutionalized Abuse Occurs?

Abuse in American institutions often goes unchecked because many organizations offering to help troubled teens do not undergo the scrutiny that would typically exist in other organizations. Often, administrators cover up cases of abuse by claiming the victim is mentally unsound or on drugs.

Some examples of institutions and facilities where innocent teens and children suffer silently from abuse include:

  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Churches, such as lawsuits against the Catholic Clergy
  • Prisons
  • Psychiatric treatment facilities
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers
  • Therapeutic boarding schools

When you or your loved one has had your claims of abuse covered up, you may feel infuriated by the betrayal and lack of justice. Please know that our team of attorneys will stop at nothing to achieve the justice you are seeking against those who violated your trust and harmed you or your loved one.

What Can I Do if I’ve Been a Victim of Sexual Abuse?

Many victims of institutionalized sexual abuse wonder whether they should report the abuse or take action against their predators. It can be scary to step up and speak the truth when confronting large organizations with access to skilled corporate lawyers and seemingly unlimited funding. However, you deserve to see justice served. It is always worth the effort to speak the truth and report what has happened to you.

Some steps you can take to recover from the trauma you’ve experienced include:

  • Tell a trusted friend, parent, or family member
  • Report the incident to the police
  • Seek legal advice from a legal professional
  • Write down details of the abuse so you can remember exactly what happened during the investigation
  • Gather pictures of physical evidence, such as bruises
  • Keep evidence of communication from the abuser, such as texts and emails
  • Get help from a mental health counselor

In the State of Texas, the statute of limitations prohibits victims from taking legal action after a certain amount of time has passed. However, lawmakers and judges now recognize that because of the delicate nature of sexual abuse, these incidents are often covered up for years. The good news is you can still seek justice even if more time has passed than the law would usually allow. Call our legal team immediately to get excellent counsel and representation in your institutionalized sexual abuse case.

Should You Hire Our Boarding School Sexual Abuse Attorneys?

Parents and guardians who send their children to institutions such as boarding schools expect their children to be protected. It is a gross violation of trust and human nature to take advantage of an innocent child placed in someone else’s care. Individuals who use their position of power to inflict sexual abuse on innocent victims deserve to have the full extent of the law invoked against them.

At The Kahn Law Firm, P.C., we have helped many clients regain their dignity and recover financially from the harms caused by boarding school abuse. We will leverage our knowledge, skills, and experience to get you or your loved one the favorable result you deserve. Our attorneys fight valiantly on behalf of innocent victims who are suffering because of injuries they should never have experienced.

Please call us immediately to schedule a confidential consultation and learn how we can help at 713-999-6549. You may also benefit from visiting to learn more about recovering from sexual abuse and fighting this insidious practice.