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Motorist Insurance Coverage In Case Of A Houston Car Accident [part A]

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Car accidents are hardly a rare occurrence. In fact, in 2009 alone, there were more than 10 million car accidents on U.S.roads. It just goes to show that no matter how careful a driver you are, a car accident could happen to you. That’s why it’s imperative to have the proper motorist insurance coverage to ensure you’re protected in the event of a costly and damaging Houston car accident .

There are 4 major types of motorist insurance coverage:

  • Uninsured motorist coverage (UM);
  • Underinsured motorist coverage (UIM);
  • Medical payments coverage; and
  • Gap insurance.

Each of these types of insurance protects you, your family, and your car from a different threat, and each could be vitally important in repairing your car and handling medical bills in the event of a Houston car accident. Take time to learn about the different types of insurance coverage, and ensure you and your family are protected.

Uninsured Motorist Insurance Coverage

According to a 2011 Insurance Research Council study, 1 in every 7U.S. drivers is uninsured. So what happens if you get into a car accident with one of those drivers? Unfortunately, if you don’t have uninsured motorist insurance, it means that you may end up footing all the bills – even if the accident wasn’t your fault.

If you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver, uninsured motorist coverage (UM) will pay for damages and repairs to your vehicle and, oftentimes, medical bills from injuries resulting from the accident. A hit-and-run driver, a fairly common occurrence in which the driver hits your car and drives away, is usually considered an uninsured motorist and will fall under this coverage.

UM is an important part of your insurance coverage. In a nutshell, it protects you and your family’s finances, ensuring you don’t pay for an accident that wasn’t your fault. Likewise, a personal injury attorney at the Kahn Law Firm can help you collect damages awarded through a personal injury claim. Call 713-226-9900 or toll-free at 1-844-301-KAHN for help.

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